Stampscapes Stamp Sets

Here are some sets that we've offered at some of the various shows that we have attended. Many of the elements in these sets represent some of the basic scenic stamping designs that can be used with many scenes. Slight discounts apply to sets.

No substitutions please.

Lakeside Cove Lg set. $39

Set includes: Lakeside Cove Lg 049G, Pines and Rocks 195G, Oak Branch 203G, Cloud Cumulus 018E, and Water Pattern 231C. Stamps shown here are slightly reduced in size for viewing.

Country Chapel Set. $39.00

Set includes: Country Chapel 215G, Crooked Path 146F, Rocky Peaks 188F, Tree Cluster 244E, Reeds Lg 068D, Sedge Filler 251C. Stamps shown here are slightly reduced in size for viewing.

Lakeside Cabin Set. $39.00

Set includes: Lakeside Cabin 147F, Ledge 054F, Pine 196F, Pine Row 150E, Reeds Lg 068D, Water Pattern 231C. Stamps shown here are slightly reduced in size for viewing.